What to Expect

First Visit

During your first visit, you and Dr. Kaylee will have an in-depth conversation about your current symptoms, any current or previous health concerns, and past illnesses, injuries/accidents, and surgeries. Following this conversation, Dr. Kaylee will preform a thorough physical examination to set baselines for treatment and to have a better understanding of what is causing your symptoms. From there Dr. Kaylee will give you her thoughts on what is causing your symptoms and discuss treatment options. If together you and Dr. Kaylee decide chiropractic treatment is appropriate for you, she will then treat you. You will likely leave the office with some instructions for home or self-care so that you can continue working outside of the office to reach your goals.

Follow -Up Visits

Follow up visits won’t take as much time as your initial one. These visit will consist of treatment with chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue work, and corrective exercises. We will re-evaluate every so often just to be sure we are on track and make changes as necessary. If there is ever a new injury or a bit of time has passed since you’ve last been seen in the office, an examination will be preformed at that time also.